Where do clothes go after complete usage?

The sensibilisation regarding the lifecycle of clothes is necessary for clients to understand how overconsumption is terrible for the planet and that it is the responsibility of human beings to turn the clock and make the planet green again. It will also focus on the livelihood of people who make clothes and how our awareness can change their lives for the better.

Research shows that 75% of garments get buried or burned in landfills, of which only 25% are repurchased or recycled. How many turn into new garments? 1%. You probably know that already.

Fashion industry is undergoing an enormous transformation – from mass production to boutique outlets, from cheaply-priced clothes with short life-span to reasonably-priced garments with a considerably longer shelf-life. Even artisans are starting to get paid a decent amount, thanks to the elimination of middle-men who work on high commissions. There is a reason for that, and that is: recognition.

More and more, enterprises like ours are beginning to recognise the impact of clothes on the planet. We all believe that “less is more.” Fashion, for us, isn’t about “buy and throw” but “buy and reuse.” The wardrobe doesn’t need to contain garments that are used only once, never to be returned to, much like a one-night stand – leaving you empty and meaningless. For us, clothes must find a good home where they are taken care of, worn over and over again, and like good friendships, they get better with time.

But a lot remains to be done. With the current habits, we are estimated to discard around 134 million tonnes of textiles a year by 2030. That means – greenhouse gas emissions in the air, tons of wasted water, smoke in our lungs, inefficient usage of space, the need for more space to contain wasted garments, wasted labor, more transportation to carry clothes, bigger manufacturing factories to produce, more energy, fewer artisans. Result: a damaged planet and every third person wearing the exact same garment. That’s bleak. We don’t want that. We don’t think you do either.

We have a solution. Say no. Don’t buy mass-produced clothes. Buy clothes that are well-made to last longer. Buy at a thrift store. Recycle those garments. Stitch them when they tear. Give them to your kids or friends to wear when you get bored of them. Support local artisans. If you’re up for the challenge, make your own clothes and feel proud of having made them. Choose biodegradable and 100 percent environment friendly fabric such as organic cotton, linen, handwoven cotton or silk. Avoid synthetic clothing that is not compatible with our soil. Spread your consciousness. Persuade your friends to say no.

We love fashion more than anything else. But above all, we love our planet. Clothes should be the last thing that causes our natural environment to suffer. We count on you to make sure they don’t.

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